Possible Problems

What problems exist?

Urinary leakage

Urinary incontinence can occur at any age, but in women it is most common during or just after pregnancy and when getting older.

  • Stress urinary incontinence: leakage that occurs when coughing, sneezing, moving suddenly or laughing. An "accident" that can be felt when pressure rises in the abdomen, due to physical exertion.
  • Urinary incontinence: involuntary leakage of urine can also occur because your bladder contracts very violently. You may feel a strong irresistible urge, or a sudden urge to urinate that is difficult to delay. Sometimes your pelvic floor muscles can hold it back and sometimes it ends in an accident.
  • Overflow incontinence: a bladder is like a balloon that fills with urine. If it gets very full and is almost overfull, a little bit of urine can spill over, an accident of an overfull bladder (and muscles that can't stop it). But if the bladder cannot empty itself as it should because there is an obstruction somewhere, it can always remain partially filled. This sometimes causes urine to spill out of the bladder at inappropriate times.

Stool and bowel complaints

Various complaints can arise in connection with defecation, such as undesired loss of stool or constipation.

  • Flatus incontinence: Everyone farts every day. But some women have no control over how to hold back a fart when they feel it would be inappropriate.
  • Loss of stool: the inability to hold a solid or current bowel movement.
  • Incomplete emptying or obstructive defecation: means that you have the feeling that your bowel is never empty after visiting the toilet. That you have difficulty in getting the stool out.
  • Constipation: Everyone has a different bowel movement pattern, but if you have fewer than three bowel movements a week or if you cannot bowel movement for more than three days in a row and also complain of abdominal pain or hard bowel movements, you are often suffering from constipation.


When the supporting tissue - which holds the bladder, last piece of bowel or uterus in place - weakens, a bulge can occur. This is called a prolapse or Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP).

  • These complaints of prolapse and changes in the small pelvis occur in many different degrees. Sometimes they cause serious discomfort. While other women may not even notice it.
  • Feeling of heaviness/bulging in the vagina: This feels as if something is coming down and this feeling usually increases as the day progresses, or when you have done heavier upright activities. In more advanced stages, you may also notice that something is bulging down into the vagina.
  • Prolapse of the bladder, uterus or bowel: can cause problems of urine/stool leakage or rather retention & difficulty in urinating/feelings of obstructed defecation and incomplete emptying of the bowel. Possibly with the feeling that residual pee or stool remains in your body that you have to go again quickly after peeing/pooping. Drop loss after urinating, brown smudges in your underwear, or having to keep wiping with toilet paper to clean everything are also typical symptoms that can occur with POP.

Sexual problems

Pelvic floor problems are sometimes accompanied by sexual problems.

  • Genitopelvic pain: pain during intercourse. Sometimes it is a superficial pain, in others a deep pain. It can occur during touching, penetration or even during a gynaecological examination. Some women experience vaginal spasm, which makes it impossible to insert anything into the vagina or to have sex at all (vaginismus).
  • Reduced sensation during sexual intercourse.
  • Urinary, bowel or flatus incontinence during intercourse.

Vaginal flatulence

Wind that can be felt and heard escaping from the vagina. Usually after sexual intercourse or during physical activities or sport.

  • They don't smell bad but you can hear it and that's often enough to put you to shame.


Various pain complaints can occur. From perineal pain to tailbone pain.

  • Perineal pain: experienced, for example, after childbirth. You may continue to feel pain from the scarring of a tear or cut in the pelvic floor.
  • Tailbone pain: can be experienced due to a sudden fall, after giving birth, or feeling pain at the level of the tailbone for no apparent reason.
  • Anal pain: pain around the anus after or during defecation. Can occur due to muscle spasms, skin tears around the anus or haemorrhoids.
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